
Residents “Shocked” And “Horrified” After Home Invasion In Gated Community Leaves Two Neighbors With Gunshot Wounds

MOBILE, ALABAMA – Two men were shot inside their apartment by intruders just after midnight on Tuesday, and it has left some of their neighbors in disbelief that such an event could occur inside the gates of their luxury living apartments.

 Mobile police say someone knocked on the door of a unit in Village at Midtown Apartments early Tuesday morning and when tone of the occupants opened the door, two armed and masked men charged into the apartment.

The intruders shot one occupant in the chest and right arm and a second occupant suffered gunshot wounds to his right foot, left knee and right arm. Both were treated for non-life-threatening injuries and told investigators that they did not know their assailants.

Monica Harris has lived in the complex for about two years and said, “We’re in a gated community so to hear this news it’s shocking. I don’t really worry about my safety, but now I’m going to be more aware and vigilant and won’t be going out pretty late at midnight. If you’re going to find your way up in here to do bad stuff you are, so, I’m definitely going to be more aware now and just rethinking a whole lot of stuff.”

While fences and gates may deter some criminals, nothing will stop those who are determined to carry out their illegal acts. In this case, the occupant opened the door to a stranger after midnight, which gave the bad guys quick and easy access to the home.  Keeping doors locked and having a means of defending yourself against armed intruders is no guarantee that you will be unharmed, but it gives you a much better chance of surviving when evil comes to call.

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