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Gunman Shot And Stopped By Armed Resource Officer During High School Graduation Practice

DIXON, ILLINOIS — A 19-year-old student opened fire during graduation practice in the school’s gym, and was shot in the shoulder by an armed resource officer. Any planned attack wasn’t able to happen because of the quick-thinking actions of this armed officer.

Local media reports;

The man shot at school resource officer Mark Dallas, who returned fire around 8 a.m., Sheriff John Simonton said.

The shooting happened in the gym, where seniors, whose last day of school was Friday, were gathered for graduation practice, City Administrator Danny Langloss said.

The officer was not injured, nor was anyone else, Langloss said.

Police believe that the gunman acted alone, and no other threats were present.

This incident happened yesterday morning, but media hasn’t been reporting it until today. It’s a shame to see these incidents not get the coverage they deserve, because it shows us how important it is to have armed resistance inside our schools. There have been many instances of armed individuals stopping school shootings but because the body count isn’t there, national and world media don’t touch it because it doesn’t sell as well as death does.

“We’re lucky the officer was there. His brave actions saved a lot of lives,” said Langloss, whose daughter was among the seniors in the gym.

The gunman was taken to the hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries. He is reported to be an ex-student of the school and recently expelled.

Here’s to everyone being safe and uninjured, and here’s to the armed resource officer who saved the day.

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