
[VIDEO] Man Shoots In Questionable Self-Defense, Update To Previous Coverage

WHITE MARSH, MARYLAND — An armed person, legalities unknown, shot a person who approached his vehicle and began assaulting him after a line-cutting incident inside the gas station.

Previously, we had shown the incident video as it made it’s way around the internet, but couldn’t find the story to go along with it. We also mistakenly called the armed person a woman.

“He was trying to cut in front of everyone in the line, and the victim, which was shot at—he was telling the guy that was cutting in front of everyone to get behind everyone,” recounted [Daijuan] Jett.

Jett says the guilty party then stepped out of the line, and the angered customer followed him around the store and outside to his car when things came to a head.

“He opened the driver’s door and let the man know…the guy that was in the car, the suspect, he grabbed a gun and just fired about five or six shots,” said Jett.

via wmar2news.com

Police have not yet located the person in the vehicle who shot, and that’s a bad sign. Either he was illegally carrying the firearm, or he’s beyond terrified. If the latter is the case, he needs to do the right thing and contact police. If it’s the first, he’s likely hiding out for an extended period of time.

The third option is that he quickly realized that his gun use wasn’t defensive, because he stopped again instead of hitting the gas to get out of there. That’s a good way to get a self-defense case disregarded and be charged with a crime, if not multiple crimes.

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