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Absolutely Insane Road Rage Incident Reminds Us To Steer Clear Of Crazy

If you’ve got the time, watch this one in its entirety. It’s wild, to say the least.

Violent road rage is a real thing, and if you think you’re immune to it because you drive perfectly, you’d be wrong.

The guy we see in the red car is annoyed by a maneuver of another driver, and it sets off a strange chase that involves driving backwards, a gun, and a lucky mishap.

The best thing always: Get away and get as far from the aggressor as possible. Get yourself on the phone with police and let them know your location and a description / license plate of the problem vehicle. If you’re absolutely trapped, de-escalation attempts might work in your favor, but there’s always the chance that the aggressor is simply looking for a fight. If that’s the case, remember that your vehicle can be a tool as well and if the situation calls for it, leaving some tread marks on the aggressor when he exits the vehicle could be your only chance at survival.

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