Will The NRA Convention Be Canceled Again This Year?

Things aren’t looking good for conventions again with another rise in covid cases, which forced last year’s NRA Convention to be canceled, as well as SHOT Show which takes place in Vegas every January.

Further, exhibitors are pulling out, citing concerns with being in confined spaces with thousands of people. The last thing they want is to bring covid back to their facilities.

And as if that’s not enough, let’s not forget….

We’ve been told by a not insignificant number of exhibitors that they didn’t want to support the NRA with a clearly compromised Wayne LaPierre still leading the association. After the allegations made by the New York Attorney General along with the admissions made in testimony during the NRA’s failed bankruptcy bid, NRA leadership has — allegedly — engaged in years of egregious self-dealing, corrupt practices, and mismanagement at the expense of the association’s membership.


If its still a ‘go’, it’ll be in Houston on September 3rd, 4th and 5th. The 6th is Labor Day, so the planning seems a little… bizarre to me. Most people are taking long weekends from work and if I had to choose between relaxing and being amongst thousands of people during a pandemic, I’ll choose relaxing in quiet.

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