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Machete-Wielding Assailant Shot Dead by Armed Citizen During Apparent Robbery At ATM

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO – A man making a withdrawal from an ATM was forced to shoot and kill an assailant while his family watched in horror from their car.

The incident happened at a Wells Fargo ATM on Bridge near Sunset.

The suspect, armed with a machete, allegedly attacked a man who was walking back to his car after making an ATM transaction. The intended victim fired at least one shot in self-defense. His family, waiting in the car nearby, witnessed the incident and called 911.

According to the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, the evidence appears to point to justifiable homicide in self-defense. “We receive a call from somebody in the south valley that they had seen their husband fire at least one round at an individual that had assaulted him with a machete,” said Jayme Fuller.

The attacker was identified as Jaime Roman, 31. Roman had previously been convicted on multiple burglary charges and was charged with DWI in July of this year.

Fuller added, “There is such thing as a justifiable homicide when it comes to self-defense, especially in the state of New Mexico.

ATM users are often targets of criminals, especially in secluded locations, and after dark where there is poor lighting. Getting out of the vehicle also makes the individual more vulnerable to robbery and assault. ATMs should be avoided if at all possible, especially if the user is required to leave the safety of their vehicle and walk to the machine.  When necessary, users should look for one located in a highly visible area with other people around. If in hours of darkness, the location should have the additional deterrent of bright lighting. 

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