Think You Have Time? Watch How Quickly These Armed Suspects Advance On Victims.

It doesn’t take long for a suspect to advance on you, even if it seems they’re at a great distance. The suspects in the video below went from not being seen to inside the apartment in about 4 seconds.

There isn’t much to discuss here outside of the obvious: When entering your home, close and lock the door behind you immediately. Additionally, have a plan for a home invasion, and discuss it with others that you live with.

On Friday, October 16, 2020 at around 7:30 pm, the complainants were arriving at their apartment, located at 1715 Enclave Parkway, in Houston, Texas. As one of the complainants was closing the door, two unknown males forced their way into the apartment while armed with handguns. The suspects forced the complainants to go into the bathroom and then demanded to know where the money was. During the robbery, one of the suspects briefly left the apartment and then re-entered. The suspects ransacked the apartment for about an hour before fleeing in an unknown direction.

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