
Want To Get Your Heart Racing? Watch These Videos Of An Attempted Armored Car Heist

In Late April, two men were driving an armored vehicle carrying cash in South Africa when a group of men began to attack them while driving down the highway. The footage is intense, and shows the pair using evasive maneuvers to get away from the attackers, and to hopefully stop them from continuing.

The first video gives us a look inside the cab of the vehicle as things go down, and it only gets more intense from there.

More recently, dash cam video of the incident was released and shows what was going on around them during some of the driver’s attempts to get away. This one is possibly even more wild and shows just how trained the driver is. Had he not acted as aggressively as he did, these two could have easily had their lives ended that day.

It’s all insane to say the least. Photos in the tweet below show how the truck looked after being riddled with bullets from the attackers. Luckily, both men made it out of the incident alive.

So far, no arrests have been made.

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