
Can We Get A Range Officer?! Woman Shoots Uncontrollably At Range

Face and Palm, you’re looking at it below. This woman, likely her first time to the range, did something that I’ve never seen before.

Watch, and then let’s talk.

Her finger just kept on pulling the trigger. Let’s assume that it’s her first time shooting, and the person who came up to help was with her. I don’t really know if that’s the case, but let’s go with it.

If I take a first time shooter to the range, we first have a safety talk. When they’re ready to shoot, I’ll load 1 round into the firearm and no more. The point is to get them familiar with the recoil and what to expect. Next is 2 rounds and if they’re comfortable, we go for more.

That clearly wasn’t the case here, and it’s a pretty cringe video to watch. This lady needs practice, for sure, and should do so with a qualified instructor.

Luckily, she managed to keep the firearm pointed down range, and that was a solid move to maintain.

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