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Armed Robber Shot In Groin After Finding Out His Intended Target Was Also Armed (And A Better Shot)

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — One of three armed robbers, who were trying to carjack a person in the early morning hours on Thursday, learned that their intended victim was an off-duty corrections officer. And yes, you guessed it; He was armed as well.

Around 2:30 a.m., the off-duty corrections officer was getting out of his car in the 7900 block of South Essex Avenue when three men walked up and tried to steal his car, according to the Sheriff’s office.

One of the men had a gun, the Sheriff’s office said.

The corrections officer fired his own gun and struck the armed man in the groin and arm, the Sheriff’s office said. The other two would-be robbers ran off, and the suspect who was shot was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was treated and released into Chicago Police custody.

via cbslocal.com

Police are still searching for the two other robbers, who took off rather quickly once bullets started flying in their direction.

2:30 am can be a challenging time in many locations, because it’s prime time for bad guys to use the cover of darkness to claim their victims. It’s especially important to be on extra alert when the sun goes down, and to not be in places of regular trouble if possible.

This off-duty corrections officer made the decision to carry his firearm while living his normal day-to-day life, and it paid off. Like any other successful self-defensive use of a firearm, he refused to be a victim at the hands of a few thugs looking to score.

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