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‘Celebratory Gunfire’ Kills 74-Year-Old North Carolina Woman On 4th Of July

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA — A 74-year-old woman is dead after police say she was negligently shot by someone firing into the air in celebration of the 4th of July.

What goes up must come down, and in this case it came down and killed an innocent person, who lived 74 years only to be taken out by an irresponsible gun owner.

“Last night as people throughout Durham peacefully celebrated the July Fourth holiday with their friends and family, a small few chose to put our community at risk by carelessly firing guns into the air,” Police Chief Cerelyn Davis said.

“This reckless behavior led to the tragic death of Ms. Paulette Thorpe,” she said. “Ms. Thorpe’s death reminds us that we as a community must work together to prevent these senseless acts, so that no family suffers such a tragedy ever again.”

An investigation is underway, and it wasn’t immediately clear if police knew who was responsible.

If you’re going to be a gun owner, you need to be responsible. Firing your gun into the air is never a responsible choice, even if it’s to scare off the bad guy. Biden wasn’t correct when he informed you to fire a few shotgun blasts into the air.

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