
[VIDEO] Man Shot While Leaving ‘CHOP’ Angry Police Didn’t Come To Help Him

A man who was in the autonomous zone called ‘CHOP’, previously a part of Downtown Seattle, is speaking out from his hospital bed and is angry with Seattle Police because they didn’t come to his aid.

The man above, DeJuan Young, said that he was leaving the zone after hearing of the first shooting. When Young himself was shot, he says it was when he was outside the zone.

The shooting was one of two that occurred a few minutes apart, and were apparently done by two different groups or people. Video of paramedics waiting outside the zone went viral, and some were critical that they wouldn’t enter to help victims. In reality, they were waiting for a police escort to enter, but the escort didn’t come.

Young says the shooting was racially motivated. “So basically I was shot by, I’m not sure if they’re ‘Proud Boys’ or KKK,” said Young. “But the verbiage that they said was hold this ‘N—–’ and shot me.”

He was taken to the hospital by a private vehicle, with the help from people inside the zone.

I remember covering the story when it first happened, and the news was that police were denied entry into the zone after receiving 911 calls about a shooting that took place.

If Young were in fact outside the zone, it’s still a tough situation to be in. With another shooting happening not too long before, police could have very well been under the impression that both shootings took place within the zone. We also don’t know how far outside the zone Young was, or what those borders actually look like.

In any case, Young wants answers from the police department, and they have not made any statements as of yet.

I wish Young a speedy recovery.

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