
Video Released Shows Man Shot To Death While Jogging, People Demanding Charges

On February 23rd 2020, 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was jogging down the street on what people who know him say was a normal route for the man. He was shot and killed by two men who had stopped their truck in the middle of the street, and those men planned to confront him, thinking he was a burglary suspect.

Now, new video has gone viral after being released by a radio station this week. The video supposedly shows the moments leading up to the shooting, and the shooting itself.

A black man can be seen in the video running at a slow pace toward a white truck that is stopped in the middle of a country road. Two men are seen outside the vehicle, including one standing on the truck’s bed. The black man seems to attempt to run around the truck, and the moment he clears the vehicle, a shot rings out.

A brief struggle ensues in what looks like an effort to control a shotgun, and another two shots are heard, according to the video. The runner staggers away and collapses.

The man in the truck’s bed is seen holding a handgun after he climbs out to approach the others.

via foxnews.com

The video, which can be viewed below, is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised.

So far, no arrests have been made.

The father and son, who are said to be involved with the pick-up truck, first called 911 to report a “black man running down the street,” according to News4Jax.

After that, the father and son seemed to have made the decision to take matters into their own hands.

The 64-year-old called his son and they armed themselves, according to the report. The police report says Gregory McMichael told officers he and his son first tried to stop Arbery by shouting, “Stop, stop, we want to talk to you!”

At that point, the father claims that Arbery began to attack his son, and began to struggle over the gun.

There are a total of three shots. The first shot seems to come from the father, who is situated in the bed of the pickup truck. The second and third shot come from the son, during the struggle over the gun.

This will no doubt be a lengthy ordeal, and it would seem that sufficient evidence is available to press charges against the father and son.

One of the questions that I have is this: Who is the person recording the video, and what happened to make them think to record a video?

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