
Two Women Shot After Homeowner Thinks They’re Trying To Break Into His Home

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA — If only these stories were cut and dry, but that’s not always the case. This incident seems to have involved a ‘domestic situation’ between the two women and the homeowner, and it turned bad in a hurry.

Police received a call about a person who was shot while trying to break into a home.

The homeowner told police he fired shots through his window at two people who he said were trying to break into his home.

Police say two women — who are in a domestic situation with the homeowner — were outside the home and allegedly trying to break in when the shots were fired.

via theindychannel.com

Both women were shot in the arm.

The incident happened around 9 am, so we can assume that the lighting conditions were good enough for the homeowner to make out who was outside. Maybe. Who knows.

There may have been curtains, or maybe it was a cloudy and rainy day.

Where am I going with this? It could be a sticky situation. We don’t know the details of the incident, but we do know that the following should apply to all situations relating to a potential home invasion:

  • Being able to identify your target
  • Not shooting through things such as doors and windows
  • If the person(s) is/are known to you, what type of threat level do they actually present

The last one is tricky for this situation, simply because we don’t know any details. Were the women armed? Were they threatening the man?

Police say no charges have been filed at this time, and the investigation continues.

So many questions.

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