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22-Year-Old Concealed Carrier Shoots And Kills Armed Man During Robbery Attempt

DETROIT, MICHIGAN — A young man is safe after two armed robbers came up to his vehicle and pointed a gun in his direction. After fearing for his life, the concealed carrier quickly acted.

Local media reports;

The victim was sitting in a vehicle with two people when two others approached them from behind on foot.

Police say one of those people approached the driver side of the vehicle, assaulted the victim with a gun and demanded items.

The victim, who holds a concealed weapons permit, had his handgun with him.

via detroitnews.com

He fired multiple times, striking the suspect and sending him to the ground.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

There was no report of the armed citizen being injured. A second suspect took off in a vehicle and police are still searching for that person.

The young man who made the decision to carry a firearm, likely very recently, made that decision hopefully knowing that he could need to pull the trigger one day. Let’s hope he’s doing alright, and is able to get past the incident in a quick fashion.

Every day, armed citizens defend themselves in America, and the frequent use of firearms for self defense is not going anywhere.

Carry on.

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