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Man Advocates For Carrying Firearms In Church, Negligently Shoots Himself And Wife In Church

If you want to draw attention to a certain topic from those opposed to your ideas, here’s the perfect example of how not to do things.

While the intentions were pure, the brain power used to demonstrate what this man supports was severely lacking, and it landed both him and his wife in the hospital.

While talking about firearms and carrying in church, one man took out his pistol to show others that he carries and supports the idea of people carrying in church.

Local media reports;

He removed the magazine, cleared the chamber, and showed the gun to some of the men in the church. He put the magazine back in, apparently loaded a round in the chamber, and returned the gun to its holster, [Police Chief Russ] Parks said.

“Somebody else walked up and said, ‘Can I see it?’ ” Parks said. “He pulled it back out and said, ‘With this loaded indicator, I can tell that it’s not loaded.’ “

The next things that happened; the man pulled the trigger.

A bullet exited the firearm, went through the man’s hand, then entered his wife’s abdomen and then exiting the other side. Both were flown to the hospital, and both are expected to survive their injuries. The couple are in their 80’s.

There were some careless actions made here, and there is truly no excuse for something like this to happen. Incidents that include a firearm going off when you did not mean to have it go off… are 100% avoidable 100% of the time.

In any event, things like this will be latched onto by those who oppose what we are looking to accomplish, and it’s never a good thing to have an otherwise law-abiding and armed citizen… to have something like this happen.

In closing, be mindful of your firearm’s status, and always treat a firearm as if it were loaded.

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