
What Do You Look For When Choosing A Handgun For Concealed Carry?

It’s an important decision, and some take it more serious than others. This article is posing as an ‘ask the audience’ space, to see what your criteria look like when choosing an EDC (every day carry).

My personal criteria;

  • Must work flawlessly out of the box
  • Must work with different types of ammo brands
  • Must conceal effectively
  • Must hold a certain number of rounds (typically 10+)
  • Must feel comfortable when shooting
  • Must be from a line with a proven track record

There may be a few more little ones, but that’s the bulk of the criteria when I’m ever in the market for a concealed carry firearm.

What about you?

Here is an embed of this question and article on our Facebook page, in case you want to check out the responses;

If you’re not on the book, chime in below in the comments section.

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