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[VIDEO] Woman Targeted After Withdrawing $75k From Bank, Bad Guys Bring Violence But Do Not Succeed

It’s a tough video to watch, but offers some lessons to be learned like all the other videos that we share through Active Self Protection.

A woman had just made a $75,000 cash withdrawal from her bank, when the teller that she did the transaction with alerted his criminal buddies. One followed her, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

He struck, but now he had to fend off the woman’s husband as well.

When things seem to be outnumbered for the bad guy, one of his accomplices drives up and enters himself into the situation, making things worse for the couple.

In the end, the woman was run over by one of the bad guys, landing her in bad shape at the hospital. The bad guys were found and arrested at some point, and we can only hope that they’re seeing what the law has to offer them in terms of punishment.

Watch the video below, and learn the lessons that John discusses.

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