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How Many Seconds Does It Take For Your Day To Take A Turn For The Worst? In This Case, About 3 Seconds

Eyes open. Not buried in phone screen. Head on a swivel. Know your surroundings. It’s something that’s an occurring theme here at Concealed Nation, and it’s oh-so-important to practice this everywhere.

Even if we’re at our front door and feel safe.

This guy is said to be the brother of the homeowner, and he’s looking to make a visit. Little does he know that in about 2 to 3 seconds, a guy with a gun is going to come up behind him and immediately point it at his head.

He’s looking for phones and money, and ends up getting away with $10.

But this story isn’t about self-defense and carrying a gun as much as it’s about situational awareness, and what we can do in transitional spaces when we’re moving about.

Take a look at the video, learn some lessons, and leave any comments you may have below.

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