NRA Was A Success, Despite The Internal Turmoil

This was our first NRA event. Up until now, it’s been mainly SHOT Show. I was asked to come out to this event by the folks at Vara Safety, and I agreed.

Not only would I be able to see how consumers responded to their new product, but I’d also have time to make new connections and strengthen existing ones.

The reception that they received for their product, Reach, was overwhelmingly positive. I have been talking with them for over a year now and become increasingly excited about what they have to offer.

If you haven’t seen my article on their company, check it out here.

Aside from that, I walked the floor for what seemed to be an endless journey.

Brandon Curtis, Carol Craighead (CrossBreed Holsters), Christine Tate (Vara Safety)

The Vara booth was right near CrossBreed’s booth, which made for a perfect introduction. Both companies represent things that align with Concealed Nation, and it’s always a pleasure to spend time with them.


I’ve worked with this guy in the past, but we never had the chance to meet in person. While he was signing posters at the Brownell’s booth, I stopped over when he was about to leave. Finally got to catch up and see how things have evolved since working together all those years ago. If you aren’t familiar with mrgunsngear, head over to his YouTube channel and show some love.

John Lott, Crime Prevention Research Center

Mr. Lott is responsible for a treasure trove of data that gun owners flock to. We regularly use his data in articles to show rates of concealed carriers in the US, among other things.

Kevin Underwood

Underwood Ammo was a company that we helped gain exposure in the early days, but never got the opportunity to meet. Well, that ended yesterday when I stopped by their booth. Kevin, the owner, didn’t recognize me, but smiled and laughed once he saw the name on my badge. We were both excited to finally meet, talked about new products and success, and talked about how things started in the beginning. We may have some things coming up with them, so stay tuned.

Massad Ayoob

The legend himself. I met Massad in the press room and once I saw him, I had to introduce myself. We had a brief conversation where I told him that he was an influence to my starting Concealed Nation, and he informed me that he knew Concealed Nation and appreciates what we do. It was an honor to meet him.

There were many more people that I met and had the chance to speak with. Many new relationships were formed, and I look forward to collaborating with them in the future.

If the NRA is able to get themselves organized, next year’s show should be even better.

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