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Tulsa Homeowner Discovers Second Intruder in 5 Years… “Blam Boy”

TULSA, OK — A Tulsa man shot and killed a home invader in late last month during a late night break-in that could easily have cost his own life, 6 On the Scene reports. 

What’s more, the poor man has had this happen to him twice in the past five years — maybe this time they’ll learn. 

A Tulsa man shot and killed a man breaking into his house near 51st and South Lewis Tuesday morning. The same homeowner shot another burglar five years ago.

Police said the intruder’s name is Donald Stovall. The homeowner is Charles Sweeney and he said he did what he felt he had to do to protect himself. 

Charles Sweeney said noises coming from his bathroom woke him up. The first thought that ran through his head was someone was breaking into his house.

“I grabbed a pistol which is right there where I sleep, and it was only about another three or four seconds and he comes into view and blam boy that 9 millimeter is real loud inside the house,” said Sweeney.

6 On the Scene

Yeah- I wouldn’t want to be there to hear it either.

As soon as the man was shot, however, Sweeney started hearing a whole different set of noises. 

Sweeney said he shot the man in the chest and called police.

“When he clenched up his chest he says ‘I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry’ he retreats back to the bathroom and he tried to get out the same window but he didn’t make it,” said Sweeney.

Tulsa Police said Donald Stovall died inside Sweeney’s house. 

6 On the Scene

The criminal passed away, leaving both affected parties more than sufficient trauma to last the rest of their lives. 

But, wait! This happened to this same man five years ago, leaving this poor homeowner just wanting to be left alone. 

A man named Michael Watts broke into Sweeney’s home in 2013. Sweeney shot him too, but he lived.

“He goes down I run for the phone he gets back up shoves my air conditioner out of the way and takes a high dive right out my second story window,” said Sweeney.

6 On the Scene

And Sweeney? Well, according to 6 On the Scene, he just wants people to quit breaking into his house.

That seems fair to me.

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