We’ve had a long year, and we’re happy to still be here providing content for everyone. Each year, we compile the 10 most popular articles that we published.
Here they are for 2018, in order of popularity.

10. GLOCK Announces New G45, Satisfying The Desires Of Many, No It’s Not A .45
The web was buzzing with rumors of a GLOCK announcement this morning, and it holds to be true. With the success of the GLOCK 19X crossover pistol, they’ve met demand to offer another version. Even better, in my opinion.

9. Buckets Of Ammo Are Out, Barrels Are In
If you’ve ever needed 12,500 rounds of 5.56mm NATO ammunition, and want it all in one container, Brownell’s newest addition to the ammo lineup has you covered. They’re also offering 7,500 round barrels of 7.62×51 NATO.

8. Good Guy With A Gun Stops Mass Shooting, Is Then Shot And Killed By Responding Officers
A security guard at a bar was shot and killed by police after he had apprehended a person who opened fire inside the bar.

7. Device Now Let’s Smartphone Users Scan A Person For Concealed Firearms From Up To 40 Feet Away
And 8,000 devices have been pre-ordered so far, according to the company.

6. The Cringiest Video You’ll See All Day: Irresponsibility And Stupidity Amplified
If there’s a list of people that shouldn’t be at the range or around firearms, this guy should be pretty close to the top.

5. School Resource Officer Stops School Shooting In Ocala, Florida On Friday, No Media Praise
An armed School Resource Officer arrived to the scene of a shooting and had placed the suspect into custody, ending what could have been a longer assault on students and teachers.

4. 3 Things That Immediately Happen When You Carry Without A Round In The Chamber
I speak with new concealed carriers on a regular basis, and it’s no surprise that I get many questions that people tend to ask out of the gate. One of the questions that comes up the most is; How safe is it to carry with a round in the chamber?

3. Report: Here Are 54 Anti-Gun Companies That Don’t Deserve Your Business
There are a mass of corporations and organizations that don’t want you carrying firearms in their businesses, or even carrying firearms at all — or even kind of, sort of thinking about firearms.

2. Father Carrying Child Is Attacked By 4 Thugs, Pulls Gun And Fires Multiple Rounds
An armed father carrying his baby was faced with four attackers in a McDonald’s parking lot this past Tuesday. For people to attack a person who has a child in their arms is beyond disgusting, but this father wasn’t just carrying a child.

1. Springfield Armory Completely Cuts Off Dick’s
When it was learned that Dick’s Sporting Goods had hired some folks for anti-2nd Amendment lobbying, it was time to cut the cord. Completely.