Ruger American New Shooter Academy Season 2: Episode 4

In Episode 4, Kyle trains with Taylor. Taylor starts with the SR22 – very new to her, as her experience has mainly been with shotguns. They start slowly, focusing on mechanics, one shot at a time to a target.

Once they evaluate her results and refine the mechanics, Taylor steps up to the Security-9 and shoots the steel targets.

Kyle’s takeaway tips from his session with Taylor:

  • Proper grip is a key fundamental part of shooting a handgun.
  • If your shots are hitting to the left or right of where you are aiming, adjust where your finger is resting on your trigger.
  • Don’t anticipate your trigger.
  • Stay relaxed when shooting, don’t tense up.

About the Series:

Host Kyle Harth, Firearms Instructor, US Army Special Forces, provides firearms training to a family of new shooters. These individuals will receive specialized training to develop their shooting skills with Ruger firearms, while having fun, safely, together as a family.

Ruger American New Shooter Academy Season 2 is presented by DeSantis GunHide.

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