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Neighbor “Methodically” Hunts Down Two Roomates in Home, Only 1 Survives

BEND, OR — Bend resident Kyle Adams was forced to shoot and kill his own neighbor in a completely bizarre turn of events that left the intended victim’s roommate dead and Adams wondering why he was being methodically hunted in his home.

Seriously — it’s as if their neighbor completely snapped.

Take a look at the statement provided by Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel according to KTVZ:

The sleepy Northeast Bend neighborhood of McCall Landing was the scene of a horrific and tragic incident that resulted in the deaths of 33-year-old Bend resident Kyle Adams and 31-year-old Bend resident Tyler Herrick… Adams was asleep in his bedroom when he was awakened by his neighbor, Herrick, who was standing in the bedroom. Herrick had no permission to be in the house, much less Adams’ bedroom. Herrick spouted off unintelligible gibberish and Adams demanded that he leave. Herrick left the bedroom and the house.

Adams texted his roommate, 31-year old Bend resident Brennan Pebbles. Adams told Pebbles that Herrick had entered the house without permission. Pebbles immediately came home from work. Adams and Pebbles were in their living room, discussing what Herrick had done. While they were talking, and unbeknownst to them, Herrick approached the front yard of their home with an AR-15 rifle.

Herrick stood in front of the living room window, aimed his rifle at Adams and Pebbles, and fired multiple shots that shattered the front window. At least one of the rounds struck Adams, who eventually died from his injury.Pebbles fled from the living room and ran upstairs. Once upstairs, he grabbed his (9mm handgun) and hid in the bathroom of the master bedroom. Herrick fired multiple shots at the front door, and entered the home and methodically hunted Pebbles down in a room-to-room search. When Herrick entered the master bedroom, Pebbles shot and killed him.

Herrick had no justification to be in Adams and Pebbles’ home and no justification to open fire on them. Adams and Pebbles had done nothing to entice Herrick or to cause his ire. The investigation into what caused Herrick to do what he did is continuing. What is clear now is that Pebbles’ decision to shoot Herrick was legally authorized and saved his life.

I think Herrick lost his mind.

In the now near 800 stories I’ve written for Concealed Nation, I have never encountered a situation like this. It’s like the last 20 minutes of a horror film.

If Adams hadn’t possessed a firearm in the home, I have absolutely no doubt that he would have died. Thank God he had the grace to act under pressure despite seeing his roommate fatally wounded right in front of them.

Stay armed and stay safe, folks.

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