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MOM KNOWS BEST: Mother Of 3 Shoots Man After He Kicks Down Front Door. “I Would’ve Killed Him If I Had To.”

Ashley Jones is a mother of three that lives in South Carolina, and recently had to fire her gun when she spotted a man at her front door looking to come inside.

Jones was smart and followed the rules that we like to go by when a home invasion looks like it’s about to take place.

  1. She called 911
  2. She told the man she was armed and told him to leave
  3. She was patient and did not fire through the door
  4. Once he kicked the door open, she fired

This is important, because bad things can happen if you shoot someone through a closed door. As far as I’m concerned, let them linger outside while the police come. However, if they kick down the door or come through a window — meaning once they step foot inside the home — then all bets are off.

“So then he kicks the door in as soon as he kicks the door in and tries to take a step in my house that’s when I shot him and he ran off, she recalled. “Something just came over me, I got calm and my heart slowed down.”

The mother said she “would’ve killed him if I had to” if the intruder tried to come inside her home. She said she was thankful she had protection because she didn’t think she could fight off the man.

“Because if I didn’t have any kind of weapons I don’t know what I would have did. That guy was kind of big,” she said.

The 42-year-old suspect was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. He has been charged with first degree burglary.

The incident was captured on a home surveillance camera:

Jones seems to have positioned herself inside the home so that she had a clear shot if someone were to enter. She executed this perfectly, and was able to successfully defend herself, her children and her home.

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