
Mattress Dispute Father & Son Duo Re-Arrested After Video Of Deadly Shooting Made Public

In the aftermath of a shooting that happened a few weeks ago over a disposed mattress, a father and son have been arrested again, and this time their bond was set much higher.

The nutshell of the story: Neighbors got into an argument about a mattress that was discarded in an alley close to both homes. The incident was captured on video, taken by the now deceased man’s wife.

An argument got heated, and then the father and son involved in the incident fired their guns, killing the man.

Originally, they were arrested and posted their $25,000 bond. They headed home.

Then, the wife of the deceased man shared the video publicly. That’s when the pair was re-arrested and held on $250,000 bond.

The incident has sparked debate over whether or not the shooting is classified as self-defense. From our seat, it looks like murder.

If you haven’t seen the video, you can watch it here, but viewer discretion is advised.

On our Facebook page, there was quite the discussion on the topic. You can browse through the comments below:

What are your thoughts on this incident? Is justice being served, or are two innocent people, simply defending themselves, behind bars?

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