
Elderly Man Shoots Suspected Burglar After String Of Crime In Neighborhood


Around 1:00 a.m. this morning in Houston, an “elderly gentleman,” as he’s been described, brought an end to a string of vehicle and garage burglaries that had been plaguing his neighborhood. The 19-year-old suspect can be seen in the surveillance video below attempting to break into cars:

According to the report, a motion sensor light went off in the man’s home around 12:45 a.m. Immediately, the man, who was at home with his wife, got a handgun and went to his garage, where he found the suspect in a mask. During their brief confrontation, the suspect started moving toward the homeowner, who shot him once, grazing his head.

The suspect was later found about a block away with non-lethal injuries and taken into custody.

Here’s another surveillance video of him apparently taken shortly after he was grazed by the bullet:

This story highlights why it’s a good idea to have surveillance cameras. And a home defense gun.

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