Anti-Gunners Will Give You a Free Puppy If You Surrender Your Firearms

One team’s gambit to makes home safer by making it easier for families to adopt dogs is exactly half correct.

The organization known as Adopt Protection insists that dogs are better at preventing burglaries than owning firearms and has created a program for people to get shelter subsidies for those who surrender firearms.

It’s correct that dogs help deter burglaries. Pretty much all of the rest of that is not so spot-on.

I guess that makes the gambit exactly 1/3 correct.

The organization bases their claim that “everyone” agrees that a dog is a better deterrent on a gun off of a single video they made of a guy saying he thought it was better.

The citation for the “studies” which NowThis cites in their video, shown below, claiming that dogs are the best form of burglary protection is a website for selling defense dogs which claims that dogs make for an incredible “additional and effective” layer of protection for families, which is totally valid and not at all what NowThis asserted.

It’s true that dogs do help deter burglaries — plus they’re awesome, I’ve got two, myself. But they’re not all you need.

This surrender idea is a big bust.

Adopt Protection’s Twitter page says it best; they are “(a)iming to increase dog adoption by providing America with a loving alternative to keeping our homes protected.”

That’s right, these geniuses are offering an alternative to having our homes safe. Idiotic typo or not, they’re exactly right. Disarming people is a pretty good way to ensure that your house is less safe, not more, no matter how many good pups may be involved.

That all being said — if you are looking to add a furry friend to your family, please consider adopting from a shelter!

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