
Thug Tries to Hide Crime From Mom To Get EMS Help… Hilarious 911 Call Ensues

FAYETEVILLE, NC — Two masked robbers got their tail ends handed to them in Fayetteville, North Carolina late last month when they attempted to rob a gas station and the clerk inside turned out to have his own firearm.

One of the robbers was hit, and the two ran for it.

Hilarity then ensued in the form of a 911 call in which the gunshot wound recipient claimed that he remembered literally nothing… so his mom called emergency services for him.

As The Fayetteville Observer reports:

A recording of the 911 call, made by (David) Perry’s (the wounded robber’s) mother, was released Thursday afternoon by the Fayetteville Police Department. In the call, the woman talks in a frantic voice, trying to talk to Perry and listen to the disptacher.

“My son’s been shot,” his mother says. “He was shot in the back. All I know is he was with his friend.”

She repeatedly asks Perry who shot him and he says he doesn’t know and doesn’t remember anything.

“He’s been shot twice,” she tells the 911 dispatcher.

In the background, Perry is heard yelling, “Hurry up, please.”

Several seconds later, Perry’s mother says, “I don’t know who shot my son. He has no idea, he says he don’t remember nothing.”

She asks him whose house he was at when he was shot.

“I don’t remember,” Perry is heard saying. “You got to remember something,” his mother says.

When asked if he was shot inside or outside the car, Perry says, “I don’t know.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know,” his mother says.

“During the course of the Fayetteville Police Department investigation and the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office investigation, it was determined the person who contacted the Sheriff’s Office was the suspect who had been shot by the clerk at the Five Star BP,” a police statement said.

Perry and Rowsey have both been charged with attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon and felony conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon.

The best part of that is the fact that Perry’s mother knew he was full of it even in the midst of all the hell that as unfolding around her.

Here’s to her son reforming after some time and prison and Perry impressing his mom when he gets back outside.

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