
Kroger’s Hypocrisy Runs Deep, Bans “Assault Weapon” Magazines From It’s Stores

A few weeks ago, Kroger announced that it would no longer sell “assault weapons” in their Fred Meyer chain to people under the age of 21. Over the past few years, also, we have documented Kroger’s support for armed citizens inside their locations.

Now, to add to the gun control talk, Kroger announced that it would no longer carry any periodicals that are “assault weapon” themed.

But wait. There’s more.

Now, Kroger is pulling “a few assault-rifle themed periodicals” from its supermarkets, but will continue to carry some gun magazines, according to spokeswoman Kristal Howard.

Why single out rifles when we know that mass shooters use handguns over them. If you’re going to do away with rifles, just eliminate the entire category of firearms. While you’re at it, it’d be wise to also get rid of any magazines focused around knives because they are involved in mass killings as well.

Any magazines that show fighting should also go, because we know that fists kill many people each year.

Is that a magazine about home improvement? There’s a hammer on the cover.

Get rid of it.

The first counter-thought of a gun control fan is that hammers aren’t made to kill and rifles are. Most, if not all of the magazines with rifles are there in the form of a sport theme, and any law-abiding citizen with a rifle, or one who buys the magazine, is not likely to be doing so in order to help him or her go out and commit mass murder.

It’s hypocritical, silly, and lands Kroger on our naughty list.

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