
Constitutional Carry May Be Coming To Texas, But Having A Permit Still Might Be Your Best Option

It may come as a shock to some that Texas still doesn’t have Constitutional Carry like many other states in the nation, but that may finally change soon. With what may be the best chance at getting the law passed recently getting through the Texas Senate, the reality of Constitutional Carry is more likely now than ever for the Lone Star state. In the past, Texas has been close to adopting Constitutional Carry. In fact, it has been proposed in the Texas Legislature every session since 2015. Let’s look closer at what’s happening now and why having a Concealed Carry permit may still be a good idea regardless.

The Texas House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety heard four House bills on Constitutional Carry this year. Two were voted out of committee and referred to the full House. HB 1911 and HB 1927 moved along, but only HB 1927 was scheduled for debate on the full House floor. The House passed HB 1927 on April 16, 2021, with a strong majority that had some bipartisan support.

It then moved to the Senate for debate on May 5, 2021. It passed the Senate after eight hours of debate with eight amendments. Is it a done deal? Well, no. Next up is Governor Greg Abbott, who has publicly stated that he would sign it if it makes it to his desk. However, since the Senate changed the bill during floor debate, it has to go back to the House for a reconciliation vote. The House could block it, which would force it into a conference committee before going to the Governor.

Will Constitutional Carry pass this time? There’s obviously a lot left to figure out, but this is arguable as good a chance as any in Texas’ history. With that being said, while not needing a permit is a good thing (because who wants the government involved in approving anything that is a right), there are still reasons to go through the official process and get a concealed carry permit.

As a concealed carry permit holder, you’ll actually be able to sidestep a lot of hassle when buying a new firearm. Almost 20 states exempt permit holders from the NICS background check when they purchase a new gun. For a lot of people (especially those that buy more than one), this is reason enough to go through the process. In addition to that, you can expect smoother interactions with law enforcement if you have carry with a permit.

Another issue that should hit close to home for anyone after sitting at home through this pandemic is reciprocity. When we can get out there and travel as much as want again, not having a concealed carry permit will be an issue when you leave your Constitutional Carry state. If you have a permit even though your state has Constitutional Carry, you have a lot less to worry about when you leave your state. Whether you get a permit or not, or if your state has Constitutional Carry or not, the smartest thing you can do to protect yourself as a law-abiding gun owner is to have a plan set in place for legal defense if you ever have to use your weapon in self defense.

We should know how this will go down this month (because the Governor has until June 20 to sign or veto bills). If it does pass, the law would go into effect on September 1, 2021.

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