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Homeowner Slams Shotgun Stock Into First Intruder, Shoots The Second — The Motivator

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — Two home intruders were in for a rude surprise when they encountered a homeowner unafraid to slam the first one with the buttstock of his shotgun and shoot the second one.  Tough luck.

But, according to KENS-5, both intruders survived their injuries to be taken in by San Antonio law enforcement following a botched home invasion.  The homeowner claimed that the second one was armed when he shot him with his shotgun.  San Antonio authorities are not contesting that claim and no charges were filed.

It’s a wild world out there and you never know which home has the homeowner in it with the gusto enough to take a thug out in close quarters.  We’ve said it before and will keep saying it: the stakes just keep going up for home invaders and the payout isn’t getting any better.

In this particular case, after the home invaders got served, they quickly fled.  One suffered a head injury and required treatment at the Children’s Hospital and the other sustained more critical injuries requiring surgery.  Shotguns, man.  Beautiful things, aren’t they?

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