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Buyer Shoots Seller During Online Sale Gone Wrong

NASHVILLE, TN – When a private sale went from promising to threatening, one responsibly-armed citizen turned the tables on their would-be robber, and sent him a free ride to the hospital for his trouble.

I love it when the good guys win, don’t you?

As WZTV reports:

Police Lt. Matt Sears said the two people were meeting up for the purchase of a vehicle — but at one point the seller brandished a gun and tried to rob the buyer. But, police said the buyer had a gun of their own and shot the seller.

The seller ran across the parking lot before collapsing near the entrance of the grocery store. The suspect was transported to the hospital where they are in critical condition.

A spokesperson for Kroger said the actual shooting happened off its property and ran towards the grocery story for help.

I’ve think we’ve talked about this before, but it’s worth mentioning again:

If you’re going to make a major purchase of any kind, be extra sure that you are armed.

Even if you’re looking to do a minor purchase off of a Craigslist-style site: Letgo, OfferUp, etc., be ready for anything.

Carry all of the time — but security is even more important when you are seen as a vulnerable party.

Stay safe out there, folks.

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