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Robber Picks Wrong Woman To Try And Steal Purse From, And He Runs Like Hell When He Sees Her Gun

LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS — He thought she would be an easy target, but he wasn’t ready to see how fast and prepared she was while making her way to her vehicle in a parking lot.

From arkansasonline.com;

A gun-toting 57-year-old woman fought off a would-be robber who tried to take her purse outside a west Little Rock grocery store, according to police.

Officers with the Little Rock Police Department were called around 5:10 p.m. Friday to a home in the 1200 block of Briar Creek Road.

There, they spoke with the victim, who said that she was approached by a black male while attempting to unlock her vehicle around 4:15 p.m. outside The Fresh Market in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center off Cantrell Road.

The would-be robber reportedly grabbed the woman’s purse while it rested on her shoulder, at which point, the victim brandished a weapon she had stored inside.

According to the report, the assailant then fled west through the parking lot of the grocery store and behind Belk.

No items were listed as stolen from the woman.

No one can know what they’ll do until it happens. However, deciding to act or not is something you need to do BEFORE you’re faced with a situation. Are you prepared to draw your gun, and are you prepared to take a life?

Let’s take some things in consideration:

If the thief is actively threatening you with a weapon, then you may have a legal right to use lethal force to address that threat. If the thief has stopped threatening you, then your right to use lethal force evaporates.

You can’t even legally shoot the person WHILE he is attempting to steal the purse unless he is using a high level of force to accomplish the theft (either deadly force or enough force to turn a theft into the forcible felony of robbery). Of course the laws vary from state to state, but it’s generally frowned upon if you use lethal force on someone trying to take a purse with no visible weapon.

Furthermore, you certainly can’t shoot someone while they’re running away. Reflexively spraying rounds in the general direction of an attacker is a great way to injure or kill others – with absolutely no guarantee of taking out your target.

Lastly, I am happy to see this woman carrying a firearm, but need to point out one important fact. Had the bad guy succeeded in taking the woman’s purse, he would now be in possession of her firearm. It’s a big reason why on-body carry can be superior, and something to consider when choosing your carry options.

Here is an article that will help you to understand and act wisely when facing those situations. It’s a “What Not To Do” list, and it comes in handy.

Now I want to know about you! How would you react in this situation? Leave your comment below and let our concealed community know your opinion.

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