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CCW IN ACTION: Attempted Carjacking Suspect Is Shot By Armed Citizen, In The Groin

CHICAGO, IL — A legally and responsibly-armed concealed carrier shot one of two men who attempted to gang up on him and steal his car, the Chicago Tribune reports.

Oddly enough — and an unfortunate testament to just how things are in Chicago — this attempted carjacking occurred in broad daylight.

As the Chicago Tribune reports:

Shortly after 11:30 a.m., the victim was standing outside his vehicle in the 5300 block of South Pulaski Road when two men approached and demanded his car keys, police said.

Instead of handing over his keys, the victim shot one of the men in the groin area. The other man took off, but he was caught a short time later, police said.”

The man shot in the groin was run to the hospital where he appears to be in good condition. He has not been identified other than the revelation that he is 25 years of age.

The other attacker was arrested, but nothing has been identified about that individual as of yet, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Police did report that a “weapon” was recovered from the scene.

Folks, it just does not matter where you are.

You could be in a gas station bathroom, in you home, inside or outside of your car — you never know when you might need your carry gun.

So for the love of all that’s good, please don’t leave your firearm at home.

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