Sex Offender Finds Armed Father When Trying To Enter Teen’s Room

KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE — A 26-year-old man is in jail after a father and mother do what they have to do in order to protect their 13-year-old daughter from a predator. The man, Justin Phelps, pretended to be a teenager while talking with the girl online.

According to the complaint, Phelps created a Facebook account pretending to be a 13-year-old girl, in order to contact the victim. After talking with the victim through Facebook Messenger, he used another account pretending to be a teenage boy in order to ask for sexual acts.

The complaint says the suspect came to the victim’s home after some time. When the suspect opened the victim’s bedroom window, the victim’s mother came into the room after hearing the dog bark. The suspect ran away after seeing the mom.

After the incident, the parents of the teen decided to speak with Phelps online, pretending to be their daughter. They arranged for Phelps to come back to the house one night. Except this time, the father was waiting with a gun.

Once Phelps arrived, they called police and Phelps was arrested. A repeat sex offender, Phelps posted $25,000 bond, but was arrested again just two days later on different charges. Some people never learn, and some people will never change.

Who knows how long this lowlife will stay in jail, but at least he’s being held accountable for his disgusting actions, thanks to two parents who wanted to protect their daughter from a predator. And, an armed father who wasn’t going to let the predator get away this time.

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