
Gun Owner Shoots His Own Step-Brother After A Dispute About Money Turns Sour — Quick Lesson In Avoiding Dangerous Situations

BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS — A gun owner is in custody after shooting and killing his step-brother during an alleged dispute over money. The events leading up to the confrontation appears to be related to lending his step-brother’s son a sum of money. He called a meeting on neutral ground to negotiate its repayment.

Unfortunately, when the argument got heated and his step-brother allegedly took his own pistol out of its holster, the gun owner shot him with his revolver. The step-brother was found dead at the scene according to WTAW News.

The gun owner called 911 after the shooting took place and admitted to pulling the trigger after perceiving his step-brother was about to present a direct threat to his life. Both participants were parked side-by-side in their pick-up trucks. When he saw his brother go for a gun, he drew his own and shot his family member right in the head.

The step-brother’s pistol and the gun owner’s revolver were both recovered at the scene.

While the gun owner was arrested in connection with the shooting, he may not be charged with any crime depending upon the outcome of the investigation.

This is a touchy situation because, obviously, if someone points a gun at you or draws his gun to shoot you, you should defend yourself accordingly.

The bad part about this story is everything leading up to this.

  • Was this an avoidable situation?
  • Could this situation have been handled without either party needing to resort to bloodshed?

The time to ask those questions isn’t when the other person is drawing his gun out of his holster. The time to ask is before that situation ever presents itself.

These are questions I’m sure the gun owner will be asking himself and investigators may be looking into as well. Surely, loaning a family member money is stressful for a number of reasons. People, for some reason, don’t feel nearly as hard-pressed to pay back family loans as they do loans to a bank or creditor. This can be particularly stressful when it’s your money that you would prefer to use on something unrelated.

Unfortunately, maybe the other family member doesn’t like to keep a calm head on his shoulders. Maybe he’s stressed out about his own life decisions. Whatever the reason, if you don’t feel a situation like that can resolve itself without the potential of violence, use civil court.

Civil disputes, especially relating around debts involving money loaned, are best handled through civil court if you feel the other party cannot control himself. There’s no reason to put yourself at risk or potentially lose your own life trying to take back something that is rightfully yours.

Concealed carry is for defending against a threat that you cannot perceive but may become apparent depending upon the circumstance. If at any time we have the willful ability to avoid situations that may end in violence, we should take steps to do so.

Carry responsibly… And don’t loan your snot-nosed nephew any money.

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