
#DIGTHERIG – Ian and his Springfield XD Service 4″ in an Aker Leather Comfort-Flex Holster

1. Springfield XD Service (4″) in .40S&W

2. Aker Leather Comfort-Flex Model 101 shoulder holster

3. I switched to using a shoulder rig because of hip problems that make using a strong side holster an exercise in agony. Also because I find they are by far the most practical and comfortable choice for home carry. I carry the full size XD (as opposed to my XD Subcompact or Shield) because concealing it isn’t particularly harder in a shoulder rig (just heavier), so why compromise more than necessary?

The light is a FourSevens Quark Click (2xAA model).
The knife is a Kershaw Junkyard Dog 2.2

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