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Private Sale Goes Awry When Robbery Suspect Uses A Taser And Ends Up In A Gunfight

PHOENIX, ARIZONA — Two parties met in the parking lot of a shopping mall to conclude a transaction that had begun online. One of those men was there to steal merchandise and the other was in the market to sell it. Sensing an opportunity to be scummy, the thief deployed a taser on the seller. However, the seller came prepared. He had a gun.

According to Arizona Family 3 TV News, the armed robbery occurred around 9 p.m. in the Desert Ridge Marketplace.

“The suspect attempted to rob the victim of the merchandise he was selling and the victim fired shots at the suspect,” Taylor said.

The robbery suspect allegedly returned fire with a gun of his own before fleeing on a red motorcycle.

Meeting people in public places to conduct sales transactions is getting to be a sketchy enterprise. On one hand, it’s a great deal if you’re able to buy something below market price or conversely buy locally something you need. The only problem is that thieves are using these instances to conduct vicious, violent attacks because they guaranteeably have you in close quarters.

Using a taser on a robbery victim is still assault. The robber likely wasn’t expecting to have to dodge bullets on his way out but by virtue of him being armed, he came prepared.

That means law-abiding gun owners need to do the same.

Our recommendations for meeting up with people to conduct private transactions:

  • Bring a buddy
  • Meet in a well-lit, public place
  • Don’t take any additional things of value outside of the merchandise you’re planning on picking up or selling
  • Carry your gun
  • Be clear and communicate with the other party

If something doesn’t feel right or look right, cancel the transaction. You don’t need a reason or any justification. If meeting with private parties to conduct business appears fishy or suspect in any way, it’s in your best interests to stay out of it. Don’t try to buffalo through a bad situation in the hopes of coming out with a new iPhone or selling some old piece of camera equipment.

Be safe and carry everyday.

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