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Truck Owner Tries To Stop Car Thief, Gets Knife Pulled On Him — Has A Gun

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO — When a man saw a car thief attempting to break into his truck, he did what most people would instinctively do when they see their property being wrongfully taken: stop the thief. The thief had other plans.

According to WFMJ, the car thief allegedly pulled a knife on the owner of the vehicle. But this owner doesn’t want to be a victim. He drew his handgun and shot the thief. The criminal ran — as they are wont to do — but he didn’t make it far. Police picked him up farther on down the street with a head injury.

The car thief lived and will likely face charges. The property owner didn’t suffer any injuries whatsoever and maintained his property.

Wow, win-win.

The point of carrying a firearm isn’t to kill people — it’s to protect life and, at worst case scenario, neutralize a threat. The gun owner neutralized the threat. He shot him when he saw that the thief was not going to back down from trying to take his property.

He didn’t follow it up or chase after the thief. The thief retreated. Good enough. Now, it is apparent the thief did suffer a pretty grievous wound but it’s unknown whether this was due to a gunshot or something else.

In either case, this guy handled the situation correctly. It’s his property and someone doesn’t have the right to walk up and take it. Heck, he even tried to de-escalate the conflict by trying to stop the thief.

It was the thief’s mistake to draw a knife.

Carry everyday, neutralize the threat.

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