
Tip: Don’t Kick In The Front Door Of An Armed Woman

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — A man is dead after trying to kick in the door of a woman’s home. When she realized someone was trying to gain access, she grabbed her gun to defend herself.

The man, a friend of a relative who was at the house earlier that day, was asked to leave because he had narcotics on him.

A longtime friend and neighbor of the woman said she didn’t want to be identified. She said the woman who lives at the house is in her late 40s and uses a cane to get around. The friend said the woman’s two sons sometimes stay at the house, but her toddler granddaughter is there almost all the time.

If you feel that your safety is in jeopardy and the use of lethal force is determined to be an appropriate action to take, you have the right to take such action. While we don’t know from the story if the woman knew who was trying to kick in the door at the time, a woman who moves around with the aid of a cane, who is being confronted by a person kicking in her front door, should have reasonable cause to defend herself.

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