
Idaho Considering Constitutional Carry

By Dean Weingarten via The Truth About Guns

Idaho has been a prime candidate for Constitutional carry for decades. They’ve introduced bills ro restore residents’ gun rights, but they got bogged down in intramural fights among Republicans. Last year there were several public demonstrations in favor of Constitutional carry, and consideration of a bill was forced over the Republican leadership. It failed. This year may be different . . .

Representatives Ronald Nate and Heather Scott are sponsoring the latest Constitutional Carry bill. Speaker Scott Bedke was credited for the bill’s failure last year. This year, he thinks it might pass. From clearwatertribune.com . . .

The Post Register (Idaho Falls, 12/14/15) interviewed Idaho House Speaker Scott Bedke, and reported, “Bedke said gun legislation is likely. A bill that would have allowed any legal gun owner to carry concealed without a special permit — referred to as ‘constitutional carry’ — was introduced last year but failed to gain momentum. Bedke said he thinks similar legislation could pass this year.”

Speaker Bedke also said, “There’s a strong majority of Idahoans and legislators who believe that citizens have a right to protect themselves. In the wake of these mass shootings, I think that gets elevated.”

In 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified, Americans didn’t need a permit to carry weapons openly or concealed. That continued to be the law of the land into the 1830’s, when Southern states started to legislate against concealed weapons, to make it illegal for freed slaves and blacks to arm themselves.

Seven states have Constitutional carry: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Vermont and Wyoming. Some pundits include Montana, where a permit is required for concealed carry inside city limits; and Mississippi, where no permit is required for concealed carry if the firearm is completely enclosed in a “container” like a purse, bag, or briefcase. Constitutional carry would be a small step for Idaho. No permit is required for concealed carry outside of city limits, and open carry has always been legal.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. Gun Watch

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