
If You’re In Florida And Are Evacuating For The Hurricane, Take Your Guns With You

Florida knows all about hurricanes, and the one on it’s way is shaping up to be a big deal and serious threat. All along the west coast of the state, counties are placing mandatory evacuations for certain areas, and that means a lot of people are currently on the move.

For gun owners, if you’re evacuating, take your guns with you.

In the past, we’ve seen looters go into homes after the storms and grab what they can, including your ‘I thought they were well hidden’ firearms. Take the time to grab each and every one of them, bring them along with you, and make sure they’re secured along the way and at the destination.

In the past, permitless concealed carry during a mandatory evacuation in Florida was a thing. Now, since the passage of permitless carry as law, that’s no longer a concern for law-abiding Floridians.

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