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Councilman Wants To Carry Concealed After Paris Attacks

FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA — One city councilman for the City of Fayetteville wants to propose an amendment allowing him to carry concealed in City Hall.  As it stands, carrying into that municipal building is not allowed.  If the amendment were successful, the city councilman would be able to legally carry.

Cited in his argument for the amendment were the attacks in Paris which claimed more than 138 lives and left over 300 injured.  Apparently, this and the Second Amendment aren’t good enough arguments for some of the city’s elected officials.

via Fayetteville Observer

“On the surface, I’m opposed to it,” Councilman Bill Crisp said. “More guns doesn’t mean less violence. Also, if we allow council members to bring weapons into city buildings, then should we not afford law-abiding citizens that same opportunity?”

Let’s move beyond that first unsubstantiated (bolded) statement and push on to the big piece to digest.  Sorry, one more time for the cheap seats in the back.

“…If we allow council members to bring weapons into city buildings, then should we not afford law-abiding citizens that same opportunity?”

Well, why don’t you twist our arms?  That sounds like a very pleasant option.  Imagine the world where law-abiding citizens were afforded the same privileges and rights as duly elected officials.  That would sound almost like… Equality.

Let’s face facts: violence can erupt at any moment, in any given day, at any given place.  Bad guys don’t ask permission to see if everyone else’s schedule is free before busting down the doors.

While the politics-as-usual crowd just wants to keep an imaginary status quo when it comes to gun restrictions, we’re not living in the same world anymore.

Why is it a bad thing to allow law-abiding concealed carriers the right to protect themselves and others at all times?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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