
2nd Amendment Defended By Wisconsin Sheriff; Stands Strong In Support Of Campus Carry

By Michael Thomas via Guns Today

The Second Amendment is being fiercely defended by a Wisconsin sheriff as Democrats try to block a campus-carry legislation. In an interview with Breitbart, Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County said the government is “overstepping” their authority when it comes to gun control.

Open-carry on college and university campuses is now legal in Wisconsin. Republicans are trying to expand the law to include concealed carry so that permit-carrying students can be armed while in classrooms in an effort to better defend themselves in the event that an attack happens like the one at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. last October.

On the other end of the spectrum, Wisconsin Democrats are opposing the expansion with a bill to make concealed-carry on campus a felony because they feel that guns on campuses will make them “less safe.”

Sheriff Clarke backs expansion of the law.

“We’re always looking to expand the exercise of liberty,” Clarke said. “We do it with the First Amendment, we do it with the Fourth Amendment. There are all of these different rulings coming down that say the government overstepped their authority here or went beyond their authority there.”

The Wisconsin sheriff accuses the government of treating the Second Amendment like a “bastard child” of the Bill of Rights.

“Then we act differently with the Second Amendment?” he added. “The Second Amendment gets treated like the bastard child of the Bill of Rights.”

Clarke says that those pushing to ban campus-carry use “‘the sky is falling’ rhetoric while concealed carry was being discussed in the legislature just prior to Wisconsin becoming the 49th state to enact concealed-carry statewide.”

Clarke went on to say that people actively try to “restrict the Second Amendment, but they don’t restrict the First Amendment or the Fourth, or the Eighth or the Sixth. No, they want to expand those, and I think it’s time that we have that same mind when it comes to the Second Amendment.”

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