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[REVIEW] Lynx Defense Pistol Range Bag

The Lynx Defense Pistol Range Bag is a 12 inch tall, 16 inch long and 9 inch wide bag with multiple sturdy compartments for storing ammunition, cleaning supplies, pistols, and safety equipment.  It’s made out of a sturdy Cordura material that’s weather resistant and durable.  With adjustable internal walls, it can be configured to carry large quantities of ammunition and supplies while still giving firearms their own space.

Best of all?  It has its own roll-out mat for cleaning and disassembly.  I had the opportunity to use this bag over the prior months.  As someone who regularly goes to an indoor range, it’s convenient to be able to stick three pistols, my safety equipment, ammunition, and cleaning equipment all in one bag.  I also know that the ammunition won’t be jostling into the pistols or the pistols into the cleaning equipment.  There’s space enough for everything in its own place – that’s a major plus.

contents lynx defense pistol range bag

It also keeps me from avoiding the pitfall of using a gym bag or a piece of carry-on luggage as a firearms range bag.

One of the major reasons concealed carriers get stopped at TSA checkpoints is because they used the same luggage to carry firearms.  It’s fairly easy to lose a round of 9mm or .380 within the folds of a spacious bag.  Using the Lynx Defense Pistol Range Bag, I was able to keep my firearms and my travel luggage segregated – meaning I don’t have to sweat bullets every time I step foot into a TSA security lane.

The Lynx Defense Pistol Range Bag

lynx defense pistol range bag

MSRP: $119

This bag comes extremely well recommended because it’s literally become my go-to range bag.  Whenever I’m transporting multiple pistols, I have the bag all set to go with cleaning supplies, safety equipment, and ammunition.  This is the perfect bag to take out for a day of training or just for an afternoon out in the woods.  Because it’s become such an unexpectedly integral part of my weekly routine, I have an extremely high opinion of this bag.

Rankings are based out of 5 possible points with 3 being industry standard.

  • Capacity: 4.8
  • Durability: 4.6
  • Versatility: 4.7
  • Uniqueness: 4.8
  • Price: 4.3
  • Overall: 4.6/5.0 (A+)

I could see absolutely no downsides with this bag.  I really liked the hardened bottom to it which could be easily removed if the reviewer was an idiot and emptied out half a bottle of weapons cleaning fluid into the main compartment (which happened).  The whole thing is easy to clean – which shouldn’t be a criteria for judging a bag but it sure improved my love for it.

Check out the product on Lynx Defense website here.

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