
NY Governor Cuomo Bites Off More Than He Can Chew: SAFE Act Ammunition Requirements Are Deemed Dead In Water

ALBANY, NEW YORK — In another defeat to Cuomo’s SAFE Act, it has been agreed that the ammunition requirements for purchase have been deemed impractical — at least for now.

The agreement was announced late Friday between the Republican-led Senate majority and the Administration.

These ammunition requirements were to include a state-wide database of ammunition purchases, as well as required background checks for anyone purchasing ammunition.

“The plan to establish a statewide ammunition database has been fraught with problems since it was first conceived,” Oneonta GOP Sen. James Seward said, in one of a handful of announcements about the suspension.

I’m not a lawyer, but it looks like background checks for ammunition in NY aren’t going to happen… maybe ever. Now, onto removing the ban of purchasing ammunition online. SMH.

Just a few weeks ago, numbers were released as to how many NY’ers have registered their ‘assault weapons’ under the SAFE Act. The numbers were disappointing and embarrassing (at least for the Governor). Maybe it’s time for the entire state to come together and say “Hey, maybe this SAFE Act is a bunch of….”

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