
Bob Shrum Relieved That Churchgoers Weren’t Armed In Charleston

By Robert Farago via TheTruthAboutGuns.com

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: when innocent people are gunned down by a spree killer (regardless of his motivations) most people empathize with the victims. They imagine being there. Their next thought isn’t “a gun law would have stopped it from happening in the first place.” If prodded, they are willing to consider the proposal “what if someone had been armed?” That kind of common sense logic, which evokes Hollywood-inspired visions of successful armed defense, leaves anti-gunners in an awkward position. That’s when the spout abject stupidity, like the pearls dropping from Democratic strategist Bob Shrum’s mouth. Never mind. He’s helping the cause of gun rights. Keep talking guys, keep talking. [h/t DrVino]

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