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Concealed Carrier Shoots At Road Rage Suspect Who Fired First. Both Men Die.

DAVIE, FLORIDA — Two men are dead after one of them accidentally cut off the other while driving. When the man stopped at a light to apologize, the tone went from bad to deadly, with very little warning.

Keith Byrne, 41, was driving a utility truck when he accidentally cut off the driver of a blue BMW.

A person who was talking to Byrne on the phone at the time said Byrne waited for the BMW to pull up to the light so he could apologize.

via winknews.com

Byrne likely thought it would be a quick thing, saying he’s sorry for cutting off the BMW driver and then moving along with his life.

Instead, the passenger inside the BMW got out of the car.

At the light, 22-year-old Andre Sinclair, who was in the passenger seat, got out of the car with a gun.

Sinclair’s girlfriend, who was driving, told police she tried to hold him back. The couple’s infant child was in the backseat.

As Sinclair approached the truck, Byrne said, “my bad.” That’s when Sinclair began shooting, according to police.

Byrne, still on the phone with his friend, says that he thinks he’s just been shot. Even so, he still managed to get his firearm and shoot his attacker.

Byrne was shot in the chest and died at the scene. Sinclair was shot multiple times and taken to the hospital, where he later died.

Usually, we’d say to avoid road rage at all costs. This scenario is a little different, because Byrne likely didn’t know of the passenger’s anger until he was already out of the car.

It was a recipe for disaster, and it’s incredibly sad that two lives were lost as a result of an accidental error.

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