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[BREAKING] Oregon House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill By A 57-1 Vote

SALEM, OREGON — The Oregon House passed a bill Thursday by a vote of 57-1 that would allow reciprocity with other state concealed carry permit holders. The bill, HB 3093, has a few conditions to allow this to happen.

Under the bill approved Thursday, the same protections offered to Oregon concealed carry permit holders, such as the ability carry a firearm into certain public buildings, would be offered to out-of-state permit holders.

But the concealed handgun license requirements in those other states would have to meet the same criteria as Oregon’s. The State Department of Justice is tasked with making a list of states whose license requirements are as stringent as Oregon’s.

Also, those states would have to recognize Oregon concealed carry permits, which would create full reciprocity.

It will now move on to the Senate.

I, for one, welcome this reciprocity talk. We’re moving in the right direction, and these bills are sparking change across the country.

By the way, the one ‘Nay’ vote came from Smith Warner.

ScreenHunter_530 Apr. 30 20.38

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